Launched in November 2021, the project addressed the need for career pathways for those seeking to develop skills for future employment and the need for VET organisations to provide new learning opportunities for individuals to acquire these skills. It also addressed the need, identified by Cedefop, for new tools for careers and employment professionals to support adults (especially those with low skills) in identifying new skills and employment possibilities.

The project partners,  6 VET education and training organisations,  TecMinho and Forave from Portugal, IDEC and ACP from Greece, UPV and Pontydysgu SL from Spain,  used labour market intelligence to help people obtain the skills they need to access “good jobs” or advance in their careers.

New tools, which are available on our website, were developed and tested, providing access to the labour market and skills intelligence to job seekers, either unemployed or seeking a new job, to those looking for training, and to training providers, employers, regional policymakers, and career advisers. 


The Web Portal Career Pathways provides access o tools based on Labour Market Intelligence, helping unemployed adults and job seekers explore potential new jobs according to their skills. It also offers pathways to vocational education and training to help update and enhance skills for the evolving job market.

Through the portal, users can access a personal space to create a Euro CV 📄, which compares their existing experience and skills with job requirements across different occupations using ESCO. This system identifies potential new career opportunities, with a particular focus on green jobs, using an algorithm developed by Nesta. It also highlights any additional skills needed and provides links to relevant training opportunities.

You can take a guided tour of the web portal here.

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Discover a wealth of Labour Market Information, sourced from millions of Online Job Adverts (OJAs). These ads come from a wide range of outlets, including private job portals, public employment services, recruitment agencies, online newspapers, and company websites. This data is compiled through a collaboration between Cedefop and Eurostat, offering insights into job and skill demands across 28 European countries.

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Explore open educational resources to enhance your skills and knowledge in the evolving job market.

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