The Changing Labour Market
New, digital technologies, including AI, automation and new forms of employment are changing the world of work. The shift towards more sustainable and green economies is reshaping labour market demand and supply. The twin digital and green transitions and the disruptions induced by COVID-19 are bringing about significant structural changes in labour markets and are changing the skills requirements of many jobs. This increases the importance of building skills and new career pathways throughout life to bridge skills gaps, support labour market transitions and foster social inclusion.
Labour Market Intelligence
An increasing number of workers are in atypical forms of work, including part-time work, temporary, casual and seasonal work, platform work and self-employment. Coupled with an increasing number of labour market transitions throughout one’s working life, this means that an increasing share of individuals are at risk of not receiving sufficient support for training from an employer. Such a situation requires access to labour market intelligence for both those unemployed and those whose jobs are at risk due to AI, automation, and the changing labour market. This includes intelligence on new skills and job needs and access to training. New skills pathways can support those seeking skilled work.
Education and Training
The development of the competence framework is one of the policy actions set out in the European Green Deal as a catalyst to promote learning on environmental sustainability in the European Union. GreenComp identifies a set of sustainability competences to feed into education programmes to help learners develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote ways to think, plan and act with empathy, responsibility, and care for our planet and for public health.
The Career Pathways Project
The Career Pathways project will develop and test new tools, providing access to the labour market and skills intelligence to job seekers, those looking for training, education and training providers, employers and for regional policymakers. The project is developing career pathways to future employment, working together with education and training organisations, employers and careers and employment professionals.
Career pathways will use labour market intelligence to help people obtain the skills they need to access “good jobs” or advance in their careers.”
Ana Dias — Project Coordinator

Project: 2021-1-PT01-KA220-VET-000025802

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.