Our Project

Career Pathways is a three-year project funded by the Erasmus+ program.

Launched in November 2021, this Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation partnership in vocational education and training aims to support VET institutions on how new skill needs can best be addressed.

The project partners are 6 VET education and training organisations: TecMinho and FORAVE from Portugal, IDEC and ACP from Greece, UPV and Pontydysgu SL from Spain.

The advancement of digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation and new forms of work and work organisation, has wide-ranging economic and societal implications now and in the future. At the same time,  the shift towards more sustainable and green economies is reshaping labour market demand and supply.

Our project will develop and test new tools, providing access to the labour market and skills intelligence to job seekers, those looking for training, education and training providers, employers and for regional policymakers. The project plans to address the need for career pathways for those seeking to develop skills for future employment and the need for VET organisations to provide new learning opportunities for individuals to acquire these skills. It also addresses the need identified by Cedefop for new tools for careers and employment professionals to support adults (especially those with low skills) in identifying new skills and employment possibilities.

The project is expected to produce important results both on an individual and a community level. 

Other Target Groups

» VET providers
» Education planners and policymakers
» Career advisors
» Public Employment Services
» Employers

Main Target Group

» Adults, either unemployed or seeking a new job or training


Career pathways will use labour market intelligence to help people obtain the skills they need to access “good jobs” or advance in their careers.”

Ana Dias — Project Coordinator

Project: 2021-1-PT01-KA220-VET-000025802

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.