Project Meetings

4th International Meeting of the Career Pathways Project

20 – 21 May 2024 | Bilbao

The international team, composed of FORAVE and TecMinho from Portugal, IDEC and ACP from Greece and Pontydysgu and the University of the Basque Country, met in Bilbao on May 20th and 21st, for the 4th Career Pathways´ TPM.

The partners finished the new tools, providing access to the labour market and skills intelligence to job seekers, those looking for training, education and training providers, employers and regional policymakers, to be tested in the events that will take place in all the different countries involved.

One of the project results is a digital book providing information about the need for career pathways, learning opportunities for individuals to acquire these skills and new tools for careers and employment professionals to support adults (especially those with low skills) in identifying new skills and employment possibilities.

The project will finish in August and the partners will share a toolkit to help the users of the Portal My Career Pathways to explore and easily get information on the challenging issue of career development in a professional world that is in constant change.

3rd Transnational Meeting

29 – 30 November 2023 | Athens

Empowering Careers: "Career Pathways" Gears Up in Athens​

The bustling city of Athens served as the backdrop for the third transnational meeting of the “Career Pathways” project, coordinated by TecMinho and hosted by partner ACP (Greece). This European collaboration, funded under the Erasmus+ program, is dedicated to crafting innovative tools for career counsellors and professionals in the employment and education/training sector. The aim? To empower adults in identifying new skills, forging lifelong career paths, and securing meaningful employment opportunities.

The meeting saw the convergence of partners: TecMinho and FORAVE from Portugal, IDEC and ACP from Greece, UPV and Pontydysgu SL from Spain. These stakeholders collaborated to scrutinize the project’s latest developments, marking a crucial step towards the anticipated launch in 2024.

Two major components took centre stage during the discussions: the “My Career Pathway Web portal” and the “My Career Pathway Labour Market and Skills Data hub.” The former is prepared to provide unemployed adults and job seekers with a comprehensive platform, offering real-time insights into the labour market. Users can explore new job opportunities or enrol in vocational training programs to enhance their skills. The latter, a data hub, will furnish employers, policymakers, and educational institutions with up-to-date information on skills and training demands, derived from  Cedefop Skills-OVATE open data.

These groundbreaking developments were a direct result of the valuable feedback received during monitoring committee meetings held across partnership countries, including Portugal, Spain, and Greece. These committees, comprised of representatives from various sectors such as companies, employment agencies, vocational education and training associations, and universities, played a pivotal role in evaluating the tools’ functionalities and relevance. Their insights ensured that the tools met the diverse needs of the project’s target audience, offering a reliable resource for current labour market information.

As the project enters its final year of development, the focus shifts to the “Career Pathways Professional Experience” activities. This initiative aims to equip professionals in career development and guidance with the necessary skills to apply the digital tools developed by the project. Professionals will have access to a range of online and face-to-face opportunities, including courses and workshops tailored to the use of Career Pathways tools. The development of online materials focusing on tools, jobs, and skills intelligence will further enhance the learning experience. These resources are designed specifically for individuals working in career guidance and development, within public employment services and vocational schools, providing them with the expertise to seamlessly integrate digital tools into their professional practice.

The “Career Pathways” project stands as a beacon of innovation, ready to transform the landscape of career counselling and skill development, ultimately empowering individuals to navigate and succeed in the ever-evolving job market. With its commitment to fostering collaboration and adaptability, “Career Pathways” is set to leave a lasting impact on the European employment and education sector.


2nd Transnational Meeting

27 – 28 October 2022 | Valencia


Career Pathways project partners met in Valencia, Spain,  on the 28th and 29th November, to work on innovative tools that will  help adults to identify new skills for future job profiles.

This was the second mobility meeting with all the project partners: TecMinho and FORAVE from Portugal, IDEC and ACP from Greece, UPV and Pontydysgu SL from Spain, that are engaged in developing and testing a new platform, providing access to training opportunities to upskill and reskill workers.

The project is supported on the rapid evolution of new professional profiles and job demanding related with the development of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation and industry 5.0. and the balance of the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental and it’s target audience are adults that want to boost their skills, job seekers, training providers and regional policymakers.

Considering the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, which are vital to lead to a greener and sustainable planet, inclusive economies, and stronger and more resilient societies, Career Pathways aims to provide tools to help the users to design new training  paths fitted with green skills.

Based on ESCO data (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupation) the project  is moving into a new conceptual training design proposal that will involve VET Associations, Education Governamental Offices, Employment Offices and companies.

1st Transnational Meeting

4-5 April 2022 | TecMinho 

TecMinho received, in Braga, the partner entities of the Erasmus+ project ” Career Pathways “. We are preparing new tools where unemployed adults or adults looking for their first job can have access to current information about the labour market, in order to explore new jobs! These tools will also support career counsellors and employment professionals in identifying new skills, developing new career paths throughout life, and finding jobs for the adults they mentor.


Project: 2021-1-PT01-KA220-VET-000025802

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.